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Conan the Barbarian (also known as Conan the Cimmerian) is a fictional sword and sorcery hero who originated in pulp magazines and has since been adapted to books, comics, several films (including Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer… I mixed in my interest in role-playing games and decided to create a browser-based character sheet manager for my favorite game system, Gurps. PDF magazine includes new rules and articles for Gurps, To check out the web page for Gurps Low-Tech Compan- ion 1:Philosophers and . Gurps Low-Tech requires the Gurps Basic Set, Fourth Edition. And to help you introduce new players to the system, there’s a “Quick Start” section which covers the basics in a few pages . . . and the introductory version of the rules, Gurps Lite, is available free online! The Gurps game system template for Gurps Character Builder includes data for the Gurps Basic Set, Gurps Magic, Gurps Supers, Gurps Grimoire, Gurps Martial Arts, Gurps Compendium I, Gurps Psionics, Gurps Wizards, and Gurps Warriors.
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